Shiva and Parvati, 1988

Oil on canvas, 118 x 118 cm 1st Exhibition: Triveni Kala Sangam, Shridharani Art Gallery

Shiva and Parvati 1988, oil on canvas, 118 x 118 cm 1st Exhibition: Triveni Kala Sangam, Shridharani Art Gallery, 1989, 31st March. 

These were added to give the painting more relief – a different perspective of depth and direction. Set against a backdrop of the universe and creation, all forms and colours disappear into a crescent shape, the symbol of Shiva / Parvati.

I tried to emphasise that both the female and male forces are equal in creation.

Books that I was reading on Indian mythology inspired this painting.  This image arose in my mind and heart and the paint brush followed of its own accord. Sometimes my work just forms automatically. I practised for many years so that the fluidity that I need to be creative has its own flow, no thinking of how and why.

When I made this painting I felt for the first time that I was ready for an exhibition.  My confidence had increased, but my husband was not convinced.  

She’s a Leopard Too: Tapestry

My mother, who is a tapestry weaver, really liked this painting. She made a beautiful tapestry based on it that is just the same size as the original. It is included here.